Gama Pehlwan

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Gama Pehlwan

Gama Pehlwan, also known as the Great Gama, was a famous Indian wrestler who lived in the 19th century. He was born in Amritsar in 1878, and began his wrestling career at the age of 10. Gama quickly rose to fame, and by the age of 20 he had become one of the most celebrated wrestlers in India. He went on to win more than 5000 matches, losing only once in his entire career. In 1898, Gama won the Indian Championship by defeating all comers. This made him an instant celebrity. He then toured Europe and America, where he challenged and defeated some of the strongest wrestlers in the world. Gama Pehlwan was a true legend in his time. His strength and wrestling ability was admired by everyone, from Bruce Lee to the Prince of Wales. Google even celebrates his birthday each year. Although he passed away in 1960, Gama Pehlwan will always be remembered as one of the greatest Indian wrestlers of all time.