What are the premium features of Binance Clone Script?

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What are the premium features of Binance Clone Script?

Binance Clone Script is the most preferable cryptocurrency trading platform for startups and business owners who are new to the crypto niche. Because it has several benefits and a proven business model with various revenue streams. Furthermore, the platform has an attractive advanced feature that is only available on the platform and is extra charged by the exchanges. Here are the premium features
1. Spot or Instantaneous Trading - Help traders do spontaneous trading
2. P2P Trading - Escrow makes this possible to secure transactions
3. Margin Trading -  Provides a borrowable fund to leverage traders' experience
4. Futures Trading - Possible by setting the predetermined price and assets for future trade
5. OTC Trading - Supports a bulk order of exchanges
6. Trade & Match Engine - Helps spot trading history for relevant trade
7. Crypto Staking - User enhancement Program to improve user base
8. Multi-Payment Gateways - Adaptability is what makes the platform unique among others.
9. Multi-lingual support - Help to gain global traders from other countries.
These premium features make the platform likable and preferable among startups and users because the Binance Clone Script has been designed similarly to the original Binance user-centric way of trading.